Esprit Ladies Playful Dot Piece Sock Sustainable * Cotton black Blue multi-color enhanced ladies sock with pattern breathable sustainable polka dot multi-piece double


$20.66 /件

(999 可用)


Product information: This practical two-piece package. Contains a pair of solid colored socks and a pair of polka dots. In puncto wearing comfort, both pairs are convincing and offer the wearer comfort throughout the day. Made of high quality organic cotton knitting. About the brand :Esprit was founded in California in 1968 by Susie and Doug Tompkinins. A revolutionary spiritual embodying of the 60s, the brand developed a clear philosophy: authenticity rather than unnatural perfectionism, integration rather than limitation, and colorful joie de vivre rather than grey everyday bread. "We want to make you feel good" is Esprit's guide. The secret to their success story? From day one,Esprit not only stands for casual, high quality must-haves and carefully selected trendy products, but also takes charge. Esprit is committed to sustainability, equality and freedom of decision making. What does that mean? Long before the 1992 "Eco Fashion" fashion,Esprit launched the first "ecollection" made of 100% organic cotton, in the 1980s "Real People Campaign". The company chose California roots employees over models. Today,Esprit is sold in 40 countries. Esprit is headquartered in Germany and Hong Kong, where the brand has also been recorded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 1993. Esprit - Feels good, looks good. Every day.
