Note that this is automatic delivery
The PIN code is non-refundable once it is issued.
This product is automatically shipped 24 hours a day, and the recharge card code will be issued in real time after shipment, without manual customer service. After receiving the card code, please note that you need to know the number and password to recharge the purple card. You can log in to the official website. Before taking a photo of the baby, please test whether you can log in and then take the photo. Once the pin code is issued, there is no refund!
For orange cards, please contact the merchant's backend to recharge. For orange cards, please do not click on this link! ! This is a recharge card code, not a phone card. Notice! ! !
Another way to recharge the American Ultra Purple Card:
Text RECHARGE+pin code to 6700
This recharge method only supports those with signal. If the monthly rent is due or the mobile phone has no signal, please use the first method.
Case: RECHARGE2953994902345305
The product quality is very good, 100% genuine guarantee